Minneapolis MN Chiropractor – Neck Pain
Auto Accidents in MinnesotaMinneapolis MN Chiropractor - Neck Pain

Neck Pain
Neck pain is an extremely prevalent condition across the country, including Minnesota, accounting for 75 percent of Americans making millions of trips to the doctor every year and increasing health care costs. Even though low back pain has been identified as the number-one cause of disability worldwide , neck pain has earned the number-four position in the Global Burden of Disease Study for musculoskeletal conditions and one of the leading causes of global disability. This is where services from a Minneapolis chiropractor can come in handy.
Although it is not life-threatening, neck pain can be acute and severe enough to interfere with our productivity and overall quality of life. Modern medicine offers little help. At best, you get over-the-counter pain relievers or narcotic drugs, all of which come with dangerous side effects and are often not effective enough to get rid of pain for good.
As a result, the public is overwhelmed with advertisements and information on how to treat it. We commonly hear about new, promising drugs that are “proven safe”, only to be eventually removed from the market because they are either dangerous or ineffective. This underscores concerns raised in an April 2011 government report that indicated prescription drug abuse in the U.S. has reached crisis level.
That’s the bad news!
Neck Pain Study Finds Chiropractic and Exercise More Effective than Medication
What is the proven, most consistently effective treatment for neck pain? Many will be surprised to learn that when it comes to neck pain, the best medicine is no medicine at all. It is chiropractic care and exercise! If you are looking for a Minneapolis chiropractor, look no further than Nokomis Chiropractic.
Because neck pain is a growing problem that affects three quarters of Americans at some point in their lives, a study on the effectiveness of treatments for neck pain was conducted to find which treatment most effectively relieved neck pain in the battle between chiropractic vs. prescription drugs.
The study, published in The Annals of Internal Medicine in early 2012, compares three treatments for neck pain. In the battle between chiropractic vs. prescription drugs the study demonstrating that the power of spinal manipulation and exercise for neck pain is more effective than even strong narcotics. It’s good news for patients that there’s something they can do themselves to take a more active role in their care — such as doing the exercises or visiting a chiropractor — instead of just swallowing a pill.
Neck Pain Relief
Doctors of chiropractic have long cautioned against the overuse of medication to treat musculoskeletal pain. Patients also deserve to know that there are natural, drug-free options when it comes to pain relief.
And the relief provided by either exercise or spinal manipulation in conjunction with a series of home exercises by a chiropractor was long-lasting — even up to a year later, when researchers checked back in with the study’s participants.
-Dynamic Chiropractic, February 2012
There are many people suffering needlessly because they do not know the facts about chiropractic care. We at Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellnesshope that, as a result of the above information more, people will enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care for neck pain and numerous other conditions. We are more than happy to offer a complementary consultation to anyone struggling with neck pain issues. After assessing the neck and finding out what could be causing neck pain issues we provide all of our patients a program of stretches and exercises to help deal with their neck pain.
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
Saturday & Sunday
Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness
5313 Lyndale Avenue S
Minneapolis, MN 55419
(612) 822-0149