Neck Pain Relief Minneapolis MN
Neck Pain Relief Minneapolis MN

Neck pain is very common throughout the United States. In fact, Neck pain will affect approximately three quarters of Americans at some point in their lives. However, new research has revealed that when Chiropractic care is paired with massage therapy and light exercise, it can help relieve neck pain more effectively than relying on pain medication. Even a year later, research suggests that there were still differences between the spinal manipulation and medication groups.*
This research, along with other studies conducted, has stated that medications will only mask the underlying issue that is causing neck pain symptoms. The best way to counter neck pain is to do it both naturally and holistically, which is why chiropractic care is the most effective treatment option for your chronic or acute neck pain.
What Causes Neck Pain?
There are many reasons as to what is causing your neck pain, which is why it can be difficult to treat with medications. Health, lifestyle, work, disease and stress can all contribute to neck pain.
Some common causes of neck pain include:
- Abnormalities in the bone or joints
- Trauma
- Poor posture
- Whiplash
- Stress-physical, emotional, mental, chemical even nutritional
- Arthritis
- Spine conditions
- Degenerative diseases
- Tumors
- Muscle strain
What Are The Symptoms Of Neck Pain?
Symptoms of neck pain vary from person to person and can range from moderate to severe, acute or chronic. Some common symptoms of neck pain people experience include:
Widespread pain that can reach into the upper back, shoulders or arms
Pain that becomes worse with movements
Stiffness or soreness
Weakness, numbness or a tingling sensation in your arm or hand
A burning feeling when you’re touched on the skin of the arm or hand
Pain that can send a 'shock-wave' like reaction extending into your arms or hands
Leg numbness or weakness and inability to control bladder or bowel movements due to pressure on the spinal cord.
Neck Pain Relief At Nokomis Chiropractic and WellnessClinic
At Nokomis Chiropractic and WellnessClinic, our entire team is dedicated to helping you reach your wellness goals by combining skills and expertise that span throughout entire wellness field. With chiropractic care, we work with you to tailor a treatment plan that will give you pain relief that can be long lasting.
By combining chiropractic care, massage therapy, basic nutrition and exercise therapy, you will have access to an integrated environment that is specific to your needs.
If you have any questions about neck pain, and how Chiropractic care can help relieve your pain and symptoms, call Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellnesstoday at 612-822-0149!
*Research data was taken from Dr. Gert Bronfort, an author of the study and research professor at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Minnesota.
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
Saturday & Sunday
Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness
5313 Lyndale Avenue S
Minneapolis, MN 55419
(612) 822-0149