2020 Health Trivia
2020 Health Trivia

- What is the “Purpose Statement” of Nokomis Chiropractic and Wellness? Helping you, express life to the fullest… Bonus Point… why?
- What is the definition of health? (A state of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being; NOT merely the absence of disease or symptoms)
- What controls and coordinates all of the 37 Trillion cells of YOUR body? Including your immune system. (Brain and Nervous System) (That is why it is called the master control system)
- Spinal misalignments resulting in spine stiffness and nerve dysfunction are called……...twisters, spinners, Subluxations, or dislocations?
- 4 Key components to having a strong immune system? 1) Adjustments - keep the nervous system and Immune system strong 2) Stress Reduction 3) Proper Sleep 4) Vitamin D
- What is the is #1 cause of chronic headaches? Subluxations of the cervical spine. (Headaches are one of our favorite conditions to treat because we get such great results using our unique approach)
- Why is it important to get your spine checked if you are in an accident of 8.2 miles per hour or more…even if you don’t have any immediate pain? (Research from Yale University found that an impact of only 8.2 mph can cause tissue damage and permanent long-term problems if not corrected shortly after the accident.)
- What are the best ways to get through stressful and challenging times: 1) Focus on being Thankful and Grateful 2) Serve and help others.
- Do you follow us on Facebook and Instagram? During the Month of November when you follow us you can get the code for extra prize tickets.
- What is the best reason to refer a family member, friend or co-worker in to our office during the month of November to get their FREE Chiropractic Evaluation and 1st (Because everyone would benefit from knowing how their spine and nervous system is doing… just like getting a dental checkup… and there are a lot of people who are suffering with problems that chiropractic could easily help)
- What are your 7-neck, 12-mid back, and 5-low back vertebral regions called? (Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar)
- What are 5 reasons to get adjusted besides pain relief: (1) prevent arthritis and degeneration, 2) optimal immune system function, 3) increased mental health, 4) better sleep and 5) better posture)
- Are drugs like Tylenol, Aleve, Aspirin, and Motrin safe? NO!!! (Over 16,000 people in the United States die annually from liver and kidney damage from these commonly used over the counter medications)
- True or False, Even though a grateful temperament is, to some extent, genetic, you can cultivate gratitude through experience and behavior. (True…and THANK YOU for reading these!)
- What percentage of Americans have a chronic health condition? 60% What percentage have at least 2 chronic conditions? 42%
- Are Americans the most drugged up people in the world? YES…(The United States consumes 56% of all the prescription medications and 80% of Opioid pain killers prescribed annually Worldwide… BUT the U.S is only 5% of the World’s population.)
- Name 5 things in your life that fall apart if they do not receive preventative maintenance: (your health, relationships, house, car, and teeth.)
- What are the most common conditions chiropractors treat children for? (Ear infections, asthma, allergies, bed wetting, colic and headaches.)
- What are some of the common effects of “Whiplash”? Stiffness/general achiness, shoulder/neck/arm pain, headaches, dizziness, numbness/tingling/weakness, nausea, and trouble sleeping.
- What are the three types of Chiropractic care? 1) Pain/Symptom Relief care 2) Corrective Care (correcting the cause of the problem) and 3) Wellness/Maintenance Care BONUS POINT… which is the most important type of care: (Wellness)
- What can subluxations of your middle back cause? (ulcers, acid reflux and indigestion) (drugs like Nexium and Prilosec are one of the largest money makers for pharmaceutical companies, but they don’t actually fix the problem)
- What is the True cause of most colds, flu, sickness & disease? (Lowered immune resistance) BONUS POINT…..Explain (we all know people that do not get sick even though they have been exposed to the same bacteria or viruses that other people who do get sick are exposed to…so, is it a question about the bugs and viruses or really an issue about the level of health of the person)
- Did you know? … Your “No-fault” car insurance typically pays 100% for your Chiropractic and Massage treatment when you have been in a car accident, regardless of who caused the accident.…and getting treatment DOES NOT raise your rates.
- What is INNATE intelligence? (The intelligence you were born with, that runs your body without you thinking about it) (ie. increase your heart rate when you run, or digest the food you eat)
- What is Sciatica? (the numbness & tingling pain running down the back of the leg into the foot or toes caused by Subluxations and pinched nerves of the Low Back)
- A study done at UC Berkeley, showed that practitioners of gratitude have: (Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure, Higher levels of positive emotions, More joy, optimism, and happiness, More generosity and compassion and Fewer feelings of loneliness and isolation)